Last updated on 22-Mar-2025
Terms and Conditions
Welcome to BikeBD.Com. If you continue to browse this website, you agree to the terms and conditions stated on this page and you are complying with our privacy policy. If the user disagrees with the terms and conditions of this website, He or She is requested not to use the website. In the website, “We” are implied to the authority or the owners of the website which belongs to the company, BikeBD.Com. is a licensed and registered company. And, the term “You” is referred to the user or the visitor of the website, who are the viewers or who are receiving the service.
We also represent no warranty on accuracy, completeness, reliability, or availability of any information or data presented on the website. If the user relies on the information or acts depending on it, it will be at his/her own risk.
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This website uses cookies to view and monitor the browsing data and preferences. If you enable and agree to the usage of cookies, the website will collect and store the browsing data which can later be used by the website itself or by third parties. The content and the information displayed or shown on the website is subject to change or remove at any given moment, without any notice or restriction.The Website does not provide any warranty about the accuracy, completeness, performance, stability or suitability of any information, product or service shown or provided on the website. By using this website, the user acknowledges that in some cases the information shown on the website might be moderately accurate or may contain inaccuracy.
Any use of any information from this website is completely at the risk of the user, and the BikeBD.Com will not take any liability for any user’s activity regarding the usage of information.
This website contains material which is licensed by BikeBD.Com. The material includes the design, looks, graphics, appearance and is not limited to the mentioned materials. Any reuse or reproduction or collection of the licensed materials is strictly prohibited and a violation of copyright act. All the logo and trade marks appeared on the website are used under the acknowledgment of the licensed companies. The website includes links and redirections to other websites. The links are provided to provide source or further information about the topic to the user. BikeBD.Com is not liable or responsible for contents displayed on the redirected or linked websites.