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YRC South Zonel Meet 2022 - Khulna & Barishal
Last updated on 17-Aug-2024 , By Arif Raihan Opu
Yamaha Riders Club (YRC) arranged South Zonal Meet 2022 for their club and members at Khulna and Barishal. Khulna Zonal Meet was held March 11, 2022.
At Khulna meet there was Gymkhana, Exciting Sports and cultural event for the YRC members. Members played basketball, shoot the balloons. Rider from 16 districts joined at YRC South divisional meet up, Khulna.

YRC Barishal competing their 4 years of brotherhood. Congratulations to YRC Barishal for 4 years of amazing journey from BikeBD. Riders from Barishal, Jhalokathi, Potuakhali & Bhola YRC for joining the event and making the excitement continues.

Serniabat Sadiq Abdullah Mayor of Barisal present at the YRC meeting. There was a cake cutting ceremony for the celebration of 4 years. For riders of Barishal there was cultural program for and dj show.

We saw that in the past Yamaha arranged Yamaha Riding fiesta for bikers, Yamaha also arranged riding training program for bikers specially for future women riders.
YRC will this kind of event in every divisional zone. We hope this will help the brotherhood in to the bikers and community.
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Published by Arif Raihan Opu