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Yamaha Riding Training For Women Riders!
Last updated on 25-Aug-2024 , By Ashik Mahmud
ACI Motors Ltd - Yamaha Motorcycle Bangladesh has arranged a Yamaha Riding Training program for women. Yamaha Riding Training Academy Bangladesh is an initiative by ACI Motors - Yamaha motorcycle Bangladesh. In the past they have arranged Yamaha Riding Training for Bangladesh police - now they are training women bike enthusiasts of Bangladesh to ride scooters and motorcycles.
Yamaha Riding Training program for women
The event of Yamaha riding training for women riders took place in BG Press Ground, Tejgaon at 1st December. The program started in the morning with registered women bike enthusiasts entered the venue, where the team of trainers greeted them.

Yamaha Riding Training - Theoretical Education
Theoretical education was the first to demonstrate. The trainers educated the trainees about how a bike works, and the basic functions of a bike like a throttle, brakes, indicators, etc. The reason behind this is that most of the women bike enthusiasts needed to learn all they could before starting the riding training - and when they did, things got so much easier for them. Also, In this theoretical class the trainers demonstrated everyone how to grip a bike by the thighs, what to do when taking a turn, how to start the journey, what to be aware of in a congested road, and many more.
Yamaha Riding Training - The Riding
The bike mainly used for teaching the practical riding is Yamaha Alpha - a scooter from Yamaha. It has an automatic transmission, therefore riding the scooter is really easy and convenient. Many of the women riders didn't even know to ride a cycle - so it was a bit hard for them at the beginning. Yamaha Riding Academy officials made sure that everyone is wearing helmets and proper safety gears like knee guard and elbow guard so that even if someone falls off or crashes in the learning process, the safety is ensured.The women bike enthusiasts quickly learnt the basic of scooter riding - and soon, they got the hang of the bike.
The Executive Director of Yamaha Motorcycle Bangladesh, Mr. Subrata Ranjan Das Sir Inaugurated the program and made a speech to encourage the female bikers and all the bikers in General. He stated that his goal is to increase the number of Bikers in Bangladesh and also to make the biking community better in all the ways possible. He also wished all the best to all the trainee riders and thanked all the trainers - especially the female trainers - who have been working so hard all day to teach riding.
The most interesting thing was that this Yamaha Riding training will be a continuous process and Yamaha Motorcycle Bangladesh will train many women riders and also male riders too. The procedure to be on the Yamaha Riding Training program by Yamaha Riding Academy is to register.
Yamaha Riding Training for Women Riders is a really great initiative by Yamaha Riding Academy Bangladesh. It will not only teach the women riders to learn but also it will raise their confidence and willpower to ride a scooter in the road, and be free of regular congested public transports.

Published by Ashik Mahmud