Yamaha Enticer Ownership Review By Emtiazur
Last updated on 15-Aug-2024 , By Noor
My name is Emtiazur Rahman & i am a owner of  Yamaha Enticer. I am 26 years of age, graduate of law and a huge bike enthusiast. Before 2005 I was a big enthusiast of cars. Did a whole lot of things with cars blah blah…Who didn’t? But nothing would make me happy because I was always hungry for that wind touching my eyes and waters falling down the cheek which I realized a lot later when I bought my first bike in 2007 when I was abroad .

It was love at first sight and who wouldn’t love Yamaha road star but that’s past now...it’s painful that I had to leave it behind because someone in our country thought above 150cc should be illegal to keep the delinquents off road. Why?

To me riding a bike is similar to lack of limits in life. It’s a way of expression that specifies my personality. Whenever I speed down the empty roads I feel as if this machine is asking me to let go of stresses of life and just enjoy. The wind touching my eyes constructs a fantasy of never ending happiness. The most important thing is that motorbike lets you explore your imaginations. It gives you the freedom to go out when you want even with the traffic jam. You don’t care because you know you can make your way. With a car you do not dare to think like that.

As far as I can remember I always liked cruisers. So as I am a cruiser comfort seeker kind of guy who likes to cruise in style so among all the bikes Yamaha Enticer caught my eyes. It seemed to keep me close to my beauty of past. Also after doing a bit of research I barely found anyone saying that this bike is not worth the money. So I decided to go for it. Yamaha enticer is novice rank cruiser bike with a 125cc engine Air-cooled four-stroke single-cylinder and produces around 12bhp. I bought it for 1lac 72 thousand from kornophuli motors situated in kakrail. I remember the first time I rode the bike. It was actually the day I bought the bike. Few of my friends and me decided to go to comilla. They were all speeding and fighting to win but I was the one laid back enjoyed every kilometer I passed. This bike looks after you regarding back pain complain.
Good things about this bike: Firstly I must say how comfortable it is. The seats are like sofas low, soft and fitting exactly what you need to cruise with. You will hardly experience any tiredness even if you ride this for long hours. Well I didn’t!! Then comes the looks and I am sure no one can deny the fact that it looks awesome and it sure does catches your eyes when you see one. All the chromes and silver shines allow you to stand out of the way. It sure does sends out the signals that don’t mess with this biker.
Also Read: M/S Farhad Enterprise in Comilla, Chittagong.
The bike handling is nice although it does have a fat ass but it sure glides well down the corners tried and tested. Evidently you will not get a speedy performance out of it regarding any aspect because it was built for one purpose that is to give the people a majestic ride which stands out of the way. Its raised handlebars add more to your handling and the foot pegs gives you the perfect ride. It makes you feel as if you are gliding with the wind like a leaf does. Every time anyone sitting with me in this bike simply says it’s relaxed and feels tough. This bike has lots of chromes and it’s shiny. It looks beautiful in the sun.
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The 125 cc engine with mikuni carburetor produces quite a punch in speed but thats turtle pace in comparison to other new bikes. You can do 0-60 in around 13secs with the stock parts. The engine looks muscular and everlasting. You can ride it any way you want to doesn’t matter if you are the roughest of drivers it can handle the pressure. The maximum torque of 1.06 KgM at 6500 rpm, the 12 brake horse power in the Enticer engine comes at a slower 8500 rpm. Compression ratio of air and petroleum of the Enticer is 10:1. It has 4 gears, one in the front and the rest in the back. Fuel tank capacity is 13 liters with a reserve of 3 liters. The carburetor breathes thru a boxed damp type air cleaner. It goes 40 kilometer/liter which is very convenient. Fuel is combusted with air by an NGK spark plug. Ignition is CDI. It has the usual front hydraulic brakes and back drum brakes which makes it even more contained regarding the modern bikes. Now this is what Yamaha book says and an enticer in general is. It’s a 125cc engine and its factory made not to go faster then 80-90 km/ph (not that you can’t take it to 100km/ph). But it does the jobs. It’s heavy and big so 125cc engine just allows you to enjoy the drive.
Up till now it’s what the usual factory made Yamaha Enticer is so now let me take you to my unusual one. Before I tell you about my modifications let me tell you that I own this bike for 1.5 years now and I service my bike starting from mobile change to clutch plate change and pickup cable anything all by myself even the wash. I always use Yamalube 4-stroke motor oil, the original one which I buy from a guy who goes to India a lot. I do the service every 1.5 months and if anything looks a bit weary at the time I just change the parts. I think if you do it yourself in your own time then you feel you know your bike more and lets you bond with your machine. Next time when you have problems you seem to know exactly where it is. I do not notice much oil consumption change before or after 2500 kilos to be honest I do not know why. Every time I take petrol I fill my tank up and maybe once or twice depending on the amount of drive I fill 5 to 6 liters more. Bike riding is mainly a hobby for me so its use is pretty limited but I did and do go far places with this bike. I went to Khulna and Chittagong twice riding this bike. I enjoyed it every time.
On to modifications now:
I don’t like speeding but want the alternative to be there. Yes it’s true you cannot squeeze much out of 125cc engine but this is where all the good things start because this bike has an engine that lets you fool around with it unlike any other. Also there is not much different between a 150cc and 125cc engine. As we all know that the whole system of bike works like the more clean air you get into the engine the more fuel you let it burn the more speed you get. Recently I tweaked carburetor with a performance air intake system and a fused supercharger which creates more compressed air sort of like a whirlpool. Basically what it does is it allows your bike to breathe more and passes more compressed air inside the carburetor which in result produces more energy release for the piston to move up and down faster. Went through a lot to make this happen and had to do lots of research to adjust and change my jets and fuel + air ratio inside the carburetor. I had to get a new spark plug one that is a bit stronger than the usual and few more holes in the exhaust pipe for the release. Simply changing the exhaust system will not give you more speed. Then I worked with my engines head, cylinder and made it more suitable for speeding. The main thing is it did not destroy anything just changed a few bits here and there. From my past experience I know that factory made bikes never lets you enjoy the exact performance of any bike and there is always something you need to do to get more performance. Now I could only imagine what will happen if I did the same thing with maybe a R15 or a pulsar. Top speed will sure go through the roof.
The air intake system with the fused supercharger installed and works with the head cam my top speeds went to 120km/ph… I get a lot quicker acceleration and lots of back pressure which gives me tremendous boost. I custom fitted the air intake supercharger myself. Changed and adjusted my fuel jets inside the carburetor to spray more fuel. 0-60 is less than 6 sec (anyone can check if you don’t believe me) and one other best thing is it makes your bike lighter. The air intake system produces a wonderful smooth engine operation. I must say that it is the carburetor. You have no idea what can be done.
The next thing I did was I took down an inch down from the front forks, the seat and the back suspension making it low so that I get less air resistant. And I also fitted a stainless steel front windshield and a pair of LED Fog light in the front fenders. Now my bike looks attractive.
Bad bits:
In the midst of the good things I must also speak about its bad sides. First it desperately misses a fuel meter and if possible a gear indicator. I did get into troubles for not having a fuel meter. Secondly the air cooled selection was bad idea by Yamaha because in hot days of Bangladesh you feel the heat in your feet. If it had a water cooled engine then all the rest of the problems would have vanished. The engine becomes too hot. Maintenance of this bike is cheap. Mobil needs changing quite often and it becomes quite heavy just before servicing. I have to admit the whole lighting system is a disaster. It gives more lights the more you speed like the old school bikes. I do not know why didn’t the Yamaha tried to give it bit more thought. You build a good looking bike with all the chromes and you forget to do something for the lights! Other then this there’s not much I can add to disadvantage.
Now with all the above done modifications my bike is simply awesome. It’s comfortable and speedy. This review won’t be much help to anyone because sadly the production of the bike stopped in 2003. Yet if anyone wants to buy a used one with 10k mileage I would say ‘go for it’ because this is the bike that sure will last long. I think those who want endurance and live the biker’s life Yamaha Enticer is the full package to start with. Although it’s missing a few things but you don’t need those when u want to cruise with comfort “leaving behind all tensionsâ€. Fill up your tank and go wherever it takes you. I will not compare it with any other bike because this motorcycle speaks a whole different language and each bike has its own specialty but it can’t be kept outside the list.
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This bike sure falls within the first five bikes in Bangladesh. If you want adrenaline charge then you need to do some work with it. I will give this bike 8 out of 10 after the modifications but that’s just me. Before I end I would like to take this opportunity to tell all of you bikers out there “careful when you drive. Please wear helmet. It may feel nice at the time of speeding or stunt but if anything goes wrong think about your loved ones and specially think about the person who is injured because of your addiction of speedâ€. Thank you for reading. Thanks a lot to  Bikebd  who gave me this wonderful option to write about my exquisite Yamaha Enticer . I am honored.
-By Emtiaz Rahman (A biker...)
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Published by Noor
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