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Wrong Concepts In Motorcycling Businessman Make Us Puzzled
Last updated on 20-Mar-2024 , By Saleh
Motorcycling is an increasingly popular activity all over the world that started at an earlier age after the invention of motorcycles. These days, a rapidly growing number of people are taking motorcycles on the roads for commuting as well as adventure rides. However, businessmen involved in this industry often nurse some misconceptions, intentionally or unintentionally, that make us puzzled. Hence, here we have come to expose some of these misconceptions under the discussion of wrong concepts in motorcycling that businessmen make us puzzled about. So let's begin.

Wrong Concepts In Motorcycling Businessman Make Us Puzzled
The motorcycle is a great vehicle for commuting and motorcycling is a very popular activity almost everywhere in the world. Hence, it's a large industry with many business concerns involved in various types of businesses related to motorcycles and motorcycle accessories. However, like any other industry, business professionals in this industry often nurture and share some wrong concepts that lead common motorcyclists to misconceptions. So, here we have a depiction of a few of those misconceptions.

>> Commonly, we perceive that higher-featured and technically advanced motorcycles are better, and motorcycle dealers intentionally advise us to choose them. However, this is absolutely wrong. Highly-featured motorcycles are obviously complex in mechanism, requiring sophisticated handling, and one needs to be prepared to deal with any complex situation on the road.
>> We also have a misconception in motorcycling that bigger is better, and motorcycle dealers promote bigger-capacity motorcycles to their customers. Hence, motorcycle traders always advise buying large-capacity motorcycles for traveling and adventures. But the truth is that the bigger motorcycle you ride, the more money you need to spend, and the bigger hassles you have to deal with.

>> The features and technical advancements of a certain model of motorcycle described in the promotion of a certain model of motorcycle are not always feasible or practical for a rider. They are just simple marketing features to differentiate some products in competition and have a very minimal effect on practical life use.
>> When buying motorcycles, we are often persuaded by motorcycle dealers. They highlight the features and benefits of their products, which may not offer us the best fit for our requirements but are just meant to sell us their products.
>> Many motorcycle riders are commonly pursued by motorcycle gadget and accessories sellers and buy various types of gadgets for motorcycles and fix those on motorcycles. But the fact is that most of the gadgets fixed on motorcycles remain useless. Spending on those is just a waste of money, and often they create complexities in riding.
>> As motorcycling has now become a lifestyle activity, motorcycle riders often tend to be attracted to ultra-modern, high-profile, and bigger-capacity motorcycles. Sellers also highlight and promote those products as a sign of elegance. Thus, we spend a lot of money on those luxury products, but the reality is that those cannot make our ride meaningful, much for what we are spending.
>> The more modern electronics you have on your motorcycles, the more benefits you have. This is presently a very popular marketing campaign in the motorcycle industry. However, trust me, that is only a marketing and promotional campaign for high-priced motorcycles from the manufacturers and sellers, and in reality, those often prove to be the opposite.
>> Like expensive and highly-featured motorcycles, sellers also promote expensive and highly prestigious riding gear to motorcycle riders. Hence, considering those as lifestyle products some riders are seriously fascinated by buying those brutally expensive gear. Here, the truth is that no expensive gear can give a rider absolute safety. Standard gear can only save the rider to a certain level. So it's better to buy standard safety gear, which can really ensure quality.
>> In the segment of service and maintenance, we also have some misconceptions toward which business professionals mislead us. They often suggest frequent service and maintenance of motorcycles, even if they haven't ridden a lot. It is actually one of their earning sources, which is absolutely unnecessary for short-ridden motorcycles and just a waste of money. So do it only when needed.
>> Business professionals in the motorcycle industry often intentionally persuade us to buy their motorcycles, gadgets, gears, accessories, and promotional events rather than influencing us to ride. Thus, they persuade us to spend repeatedly and continue with that flow, which actually keeps us away focused on riding, which should be the main focus of motorcycling.
These are the real facts in the motorcycle industry that business professionals use to confuse and misdirect us. Their goal is to lead us to their products and services and make us spend money on those only. So we should be precise about what we actually need and spend accordingly. Therefore, let's stay focused on our motorcycling and enjoy the ride. Thank you.
Published by Saleh