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My Story of Birishiri Tour
Last updated on 11-Jan-2025 , By Shuvo
On the evening of 5th August few of my close rider mates were planning to tour to Sreemongol on 14th and 15th August but sadly Sojib vai and Shawon vai said that both of them will be busy and won’t make it that day so they requested whether it is possible to tour somewhere, & as Mymensingh build a new 100 km 4 lane highway and Birishiri is a place I wanted to visit for a long time we planned that on 7th August we will do a day long ride to Birishiri, 450+ km under single day, something which will be new for the rest of the camp.
My Story of Birishiri Tour with my motorcycle

We started early in the morning at 5:30 AM our meeting point was at Hatirjheel from where Me, Jahir, Asif, Sojib and later Shawon meet us from Uttara joined us, the early morning breeze was beautiful and we enjoyed a hassle free ride until Joydevpur Chowrasta.

After Joydevpur Chowrasta the road until Mymensingh is just too epic, the last time I went on that road was when I went to visit the factory of Bangladesh Honda Private Ltd. The road is amazing, so are the side scenery, yes I admit that sometimes too many villages on the highway does bother you but the rest of it is truly amazing. But the sad thing I saw that in building the new highway they have cut down lots of trees from the side of the highway, which means disturbing the ecosystem.
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We arrived at Mymensingh and after crossing the bridge we were on our way to Netrokona, this 40 km road is one of the most beautiful scenery I have seen in a long time in life.
Riding through fresh village roads with less vehicles and almost zero dust was truly amazing, for a moment I thought that am riding through my hometown but then from Ramgonj mor to Birishir the last 35 km was hell. The road is bumpy, broken and most of all full of dust, we will request the riders to avoid that road.
We reached Birishiri @ 12 noon and then the local biker Prodip vai took us over & from that time on he was the person who helped us a lot in the tour. We crossed the river on boat, all 5 bikes with around 12-15 people on board, the journey was fun but a bit scary.
On the other side of the river it was a complete different story, the road is as good as the Dhaka Mymensingh road, the main reason for that is only rickshaws & bikes are the main mode of transport for the locals.
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We saw an orphanage on the top of the hills and took shower in Someswari River just near the Indian broder. After the shower we went to the iconic place in Birishiri, “ Che-na Mati Pahar”.
The place is beautiful where you will find hill cut down in square and left hole in the middle where during rain water are collected, the water here are mostly green in colour and very hot as it has very little air to pass through it. We spend time and by 4 pm left Birishiri saying bye bye to Prodip vai, we are all thankful to him for his time and patience as we did disturbed him a lot during the 4 hours stay of us there.
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Just as we started our journey on our way back home and crossed 10-12 km the mighty Yamaha R15 V2.0 without any notice shut down in the middle of the road, we were all surprised and even after 20 minutes of trying we couldn’t start the bike by any mean.
We went to another village in search of a mechanic but thankful to him that even after some struggle he managed to fix the bike, the bike had issue with its ECU and wiring and the spark plug was badly polluted so we change it too. We started our journey back home already 2 hours behind time.
Time was running out on our way back we meet two of our bikers’ brothers from Mymensingh, Raihan vai and Rahul vai came to our rescue almost riding 70 km from their home, we apologize to them as we gave them this trouble & because the sun was setting we couldn’t make time to have a cup of tea with them, but in response they showed us a very good road all the way to Dhaka which though was 40 km long but had better asphalt lying on the track.
We took the road through Haluaghat, Fulpur Tarakanda to Mymemsingh. We arrived at Mymensingh @ 8 PM, where Amin vai was waiting to meet us, he is the person who was the biggest pioneer for us in this tour, he helped a lot to us and also gave us proper direction, he was very conscious on us when he heard that one of the bike broke down in the middle of the road.
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We had dinner at Mymensingh mor from there we said bye bye to the city and headed off to Dhaka, the road was mostly blank but we happened to caught up with rain every now and then, thankfully without any incident all 5 riders were back home safely by 12 midnight, for me it was 415 km tour in 18 hours.
- If you want to stay at Birishiri there is a small rest house there as Shorna Guest house but you have to booked that place before.
- Please don’t throw any materials on the road or in water as this is harmful for all of us.
- Try to start early from Dhaka city to avoid early morning traffic.
- The straight road to Birishiri is 180 km long but the last 35 km is very bad so if you want you can travel extra 40 km but have better roads.
- From Mymensingh go straight to Tarakanda> Fulpur> turn right from Haluaghat> Dubhora> Korshundor> Birishiri, this road though add 40-45 km but is better and the road is through village.
- Please don’t ride speed over 50 km/h in the village as there are always ANIMALS and CHILDRENS moving about so it will be dangerous for both the locals and for you.
- There is no GOOD restaurant in Birishiri so it will be wise to carry plenty of WATER and BISCUIT or CAKE with you.
Published by Shuvo