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Motorcycle Saddle Height – An Important Spec To Consider
Last updated on 08-Dec-2022 , By Saleh
We do ride various categories and types of motorcycles in our daily life in the event of commuting, roaming around, long travel, adventure, and sports. Not every human is the same in body dimension and body height differs accordingly even if the inseam length is not the same at the same height people. So every human being is unique in body measure, but of course, belongs to a common measurement range. So here comes the motorcycle saddle height issues we should take care and I am Saleh describing “Motorcycle saddle height – An important spec to consider”.

Motorcycle saddle height – An important spec to consider
Every motorcycle manufacturer in the world puts their manufactured or produced motorcycle saddle height numbers in their motorcycle spec sheet. It gives a general idea of the saddle's comfortability and utility in terms of handling or controlling the motorcycle to a rider. And a rider can get a glimpse of whether the specific model of motorcycle is compatible with him/her or not.
In other cases, it shows the ability of a motorcycle to surf over specific types of terrains like off roads or endure tracks, or on rural road conditions. But the most important issue in every type of motorcycle is the rider's comfort and compatibility on the motorcycle with the rider. Further, seat shape and category also matter which is similarly important to the saddle height.

So guys, let’s try to figure out if the saddle height of a specific model of motorcycle doesn’t match with the rider's body physic and comfortability then what can happen or what is the drawback.

- If the saddle height of a motorcycle doesn’t match the rider's comfort and competency level then a rider may feel uneasy and disturbed riding a motorcycle.
- Incompatible saddle height literally gives the worst feeling, especially in case of long rides and thus a rider surely will lose the true fun factor of riding a motorcycle.
- Incompatible saddle height badly hampers the riding and handling precision of a rider and thus risk level dramatically increases.
- Lower saddle height for a taller person is much more painful as the knees of the rider bend much that hurts and accordingly, it hampers maneuvering and overall control over the motorcycle.
- Higher saddle height for a low-height person is also a painful phenomenon that dangerously increases the risk level. If a rider can’t touch the ground comfortably due to higher saddle height it’s too dangerous to tackle the motorcycle in tight city traffic conditions and even on uneven terrains.
- Further, uneven saddle height also badly impacts a rider's backbone, shoulder, and hip joints and the rider may seriously suffer from nerve pain and even fall in severe internal injury using that motorcycle for long.
- Incompatible saddle height badly impacts proper weight distribution as well as the center of gravity of the motorcycle in the fully loaded condition. Thus a motorcycle can be hard to control in uneven situations, a rider may feel boring riding, and even the motorcycle can go out of control to some extent.
So hope you guys can understand the value and importance of proper saddle height for a motorcycle for a rider. Hence you should be careful while choosing your motorcycle especially when you are small heightened or taller than the standard height range for a certain model of motorcycle, that’s it.
Published by Saleh