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Motorcycle Market Situation in Bangladesh, 2016
Last updated on 31-Aug-2024 , By Shuvo
Hello readers, from couple of months the market of Bangladesh is doing something like stunning surprising. Since last year the regular distributors of different brands rearranging their product line in competition with others. Some of them doing handover the distribution to others, or some newcomer are doing self import. Every month in this small territory of market we are getting the situation quite surprising. So here is the issue what is the actual situation of our market currently in Bangladesh? Let’s try to know in detail with Market Situation in Bangladesh, 2016.
Insights into Bangladesh's Motorcycle Market of 2016
Common Situation of BD Market
You know currently there are over fourteens of brands doing their activity in Bangladesh. There are Japanese, Chinese, Indian and some local brands are available in our market. Very unfortunately some renowned distributors like Karnaphuli is now in position of -up with Yamaha but still not 100% sure. On the other side, good brands like Suzuki still is not doing well with their after sales service. Another Japanese brand Honda is doing well, but we think their product line should update more keeping pace with current market trend.

Moreover we expected to get more renowned brands like Kawasaki, KTM, Aprilia where they are producing some awesome lower capacity bikes inline with others. But the potential and existing business giants in Bangladesh are spending too much time dealing with bureaucracy and calculating profit loss figures. As a result those products are not available in our market till now.
Meanwhile some of us regretting for not getting Japan made product. But nothing to regret as Japan doesn’t produces lower capacity bike for international market. I think the actual point of regression is that we are not getting international standard & quality product even spending huge money. The government imposed tax and charges are the burden no doubt. And there are also some complains about our importers & distributors as they are not importing quality product in our market. They are gaining profit just supplying us the mid or lower quality products or models of bike.

Current Situation of Market
These are all at a glance common scenario from our market. But like the light at the end of the tunnel we are now expecting for some better situation on upcoming closer times.
I am quite sure as some of you might have sensed the ignition of changes. It somewhat started from the end of year 2014 but it came visible very slowly at 2015. And now at the jaws of 2016 it is quite clearly visible the changes. We are very much hopeful as year 2016 might going to be marked as the glorious time of market of Bangladesh. Also expecting the year 2017 would be the golden year for the manufacturers of Bangladesh therefore the industry of Bangladesh.

Here in the discussion my concentration is not on year 2017, but I am too much hopeful about the current year 2016. You have noticed as most of the companies in Bangladesh have been updating and rearranging their product line. All the companies are sorting and enhancing their products. Sequentially you can see some older models are omitted from many of companies and launched the all new models with new enhanced features.
Resulting Pulsar AS150, Discover 150F, new Honda CBR, Hero Xtreme Sports, Suzuki Gixxer SF, Lifan KPR, new TVS series and some new models from ATLAS BD are on the . But those are not all; still there numbers are in transit. And those are waiting to be launched within short time from different brands like Bajaj, Lifan, Keyway, Haojue etc.
Significant Turning in Market
The most significant turning in world market is that, many manufacturers of high-end bike producers are concentrating producing lower capacity performer bikes. They are concentrating more to produce lower capacity bikes from 125cc to 300cc for those countries who cannot afford or where not authorized higher capacity bikes. And here we are very much happy that there are some quality products within 125-150cc range, which is valid to ride within our government cc restrictions.
Here you can say here, what is the benefit of us as the regular distributors don’t interested to bring those high quality performer in our country? Yes already there are some self-imported performer motorbikes rolling on our . And true is that they are quite expensive and out of the range of common buyers. Where also those are imported with limited quantity. So again question comes what is the matter of excitement for us?
Guys, here is the twist on which I am so much hopeful and excited! The twist is some small importers trying to initiate a new silver line in the market of Bangladesh. They are very near to import some quality products from international market in bulk quantity. You know when quantity increases then import cost reduces. And another good news is that, the importers are now plural in number where healthy competition will take its place. Resulting, it will not be worthy to say as peoples of Bangladesh are going to meet some quality motorcycles within our CC limit just in parallel with international market.Therefore, here I am so much positive expecting as we may see soon some class bikes from Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, and from other renowned Chinese brands like Zongshen, Lifan etc. Let’s be optimistic expecting for the golden era of motorcycles market of Bangladesh which might initiate with the silver line. Thank you all. :)
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Published by Shuvo