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Motorcycle Handover Ceremony To The Yamaha Riding Academy Trainers
Last updated on 27-Nov-2022 , By Arif Raihan Opu
Yamaha Riding Academy (YRA) has been in Bangladesh for more than 5 years, training over 5000 new riders. Right now, on every Friday and Saturday, YRA gives training to the new riders.

ACI Motors Limited is the official distributor of Yamaha Motorcycles in Bangladesh. They run this program for new riders who want to ride bikes in the near future.
On a regular basis, Yamaha arranges this riding training program in Dhaka and Faridpur. But recently, Yamaha arranged this program all over Bangladesh. They have some trainers who are trained at the Yamaha Riding Training Academy.

Yamaha recently presented a 13-inch motorcycle to their District 13 trainer. A warm ceremony was held in the B.G. Press field yesterday where YRA officials, trainers, and participants were present at the program.

The program started after 12:00 AM. Executive Director of ACI Motors LTD, Mr. Subrata Ranjan Das, and Dr. Md. Asif Raihan, Assistant Professor, Accident Research Institute (ARI), BUET, were present at the ceremony.
The Motorcycle Handover Ceremony started with the speech of Dr. Md. Asif Raihan, who shared some experience about road safety and traffic rules. After that, the Executive Director of ACI Motors LTD, Mr. Subrata Ranjan Das, made a speech to the trainers.
Then they hand over the motorcycles to the 13 district trainers. These trainers will run a training program in their own district with these motorcycles.
We hope that Yamaha will run this riding training program for future riders in every other district. To learn more about this riding training, please visit your nearest Yamaha Motorcycle Showroom. Thank you.
Published by Arif Raihan Opu