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How To Ride A Motorcycle - Basic Technique
Last updated on 13-Jan-2025 , By Ashik Mahmud
Motorcycle is the vehicle that’s too much joyful to ride. It allows the freedom on moving and the mobility is maximum than any other vehicle in the world. So peoples are so much excited riding a motorcycle. Again there are huge numbers of people who can’t ride a motorcycle but wish to know how to ride a motorcycle. Riding a motorcycle is not a complex task and it just a job of balance and practice. Hence to support them here is our discussion on how to ride a motorcycle. So let’s try to know the technique.
How To Ride A Motorcycle - Basic Technique

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How To Ride A Motorcycle – Basic Things Need to Know
First we should mention again as riding a motorcycle is not a big deal and quite an easy job. So who are really habituated with riding a motorcycle they surely can ignore this feed. Moreover riding a bicycle and motorcycle is quite similar in terms of balance. So who are already riding a bicycle may ride a motorcycle easily. So have fun guys and let us start our armature job.

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To ride a motorcycle the first job is getting balance on two wheels. Typically keeping balance on two wheels is not so easy job. But when you are frequent on riding a bicycle it’s really so easy and true fact of fun.

So if you are already a bicycle rider then you already have completed the half of the way of riding a motorcycle. But if you are not frequent with even bicycle you should learn to ride a bicycle. Its true if you try you can start from a motorcycle but for your own & others safety you should learn to ride a bicycle first.
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How To Ride A Motorcycle – Know Your Ride
Hence assuming you are already capable to ride a bicycle and have passed the half the way of riding a motorcycle. Now you are balanced on two wheels and can balance the motorized cycle easily.
Now before getting start to ride the motorcycle you have to get familiar with the motorcycle dimension therefore weight and size. For your information, its better learn to ride with a small capacity and dimension of the motorcycle.
So before riding your motorcycle observe your motorcycle figure thoroughly. Try to feel its existence, the dimension. Be seated on the motorcycle and pull off the side stand. Place your feet on pavement and hold the handle bar. Pull & release the control levers. Thus feel the riding position & posture.
For some people this may appear like meaningless. But trust me before riding a vehicle rider should sync with the specific rides ergonomics & existence. Most of the time this synchronization makes the rider more capable to tackle the machine more safely and more confidently.
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How To Ride A Motorcycle – Know The Controlling & Operating Features
So before learn riding your motorcycle you have to know the controlling features of your motorcycle. A standard type of motorcycle belongs two separate braking systems for front and rear wheel. It also featured with manual clutch lever and gear lever. Hence you already known about the brake levers as you have ridden the bicycle. But the brake lever positioned differently in motorcycles.
Here the front brake operated by the right hand lever that attached with handlebar and rear one is foot operated that placed in front of right foot peg. The clutch lever placed on left hand side of the handle bar that looked same like the front brake lever. Again the gear lever is also foot operated and that place with left foot peg.
Motorcycle Clutch, Gear & Throttle
Now the simple question what do the clutch operatin lever and the gear operation lever do? Answering very simply, riding in different speed rider needs to change the gear with gear lever same like the multi-geared bicycle. But the difference is motorcycle engine power needs to be disengaged from the motorcycle gear before making a gear change.
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So the clutch lever works to disengage the gear from engine power or rotation. Again when rider needs to change the gear to ride in different speed then he/she need to pull clutch lever to get disengage the gears from the engine power and then change the gear and put the gears engaged with engine again releasing the clutch lever. So here is the process that rider needs to be habituated.
Another thing in the motorcycle is the throttle. The throttle is levered on motorcycle handlebar on right hand side grip. Twisting that grip works for throttle of the bike where the car throttle levered at the foot. In the bicycle the driving power delivered through the foot pedal and in motorcycle the power operated by the twist of the throttle grip.
How To Ride A Motorcycle – Start Rolling
So considering everything now come the activity how to ride the motorcycle? Hence expecting you are balanced on two wheels and can ride a bicycle. You already sat on your bike and known about the placement of the control or operation levers of the motorcycle. Now come to the activities to ride the motorcycle.
When you seat on a standard type motorcycle you hold the handlebar with your hands. When the bike starts to roll you put your both legs on the foot pegs. So there are control levers and the throttle grip under your hand and the gear & rear brake levers are under your foot.
Modern motorcycles are equipped with electric starting system. Otherwise there is a kicker by which you can start your motorcycle
Getting the motorcycle started
- Get the fuel stop cock on.
- Turn the ignition key on.
- Be confirmed as the gear is in neutral position or not engaged. When gear in neutral position there will be a green light illuminating on the meter panel.
- Now push the electric start button to start the motorcycle engine. Otherwise use the kicker to start the motorcycle.
- Do not twist the throttle when kicking the kicker or pushing the electric start button.
Get rolling the motorcycle on the road
- Pull the clutch lever with right hand to disengage the gear from the engine.
- Put the 1st gear clicking with gear lever.
- Twist the throttle softly and simultaneously release the clutch lever.
- It’s a synchronized job. Without proper synchronization in this moment engine can get stopped or may shake or can jump a little. So this term should be practiced a little to get habituated with this synchronization.
Change the motorcycle gear
- So when the motorcycle starts to roll with 1st gear then you should go faster with next gear.
- Hence changing the gear there also a synchronized job. Just with in a second twist back the throttle, pull the clutch lever and click the gear lever for next gear.
- Again twist the throttle inward and simultaneously release the clutch lever.
- Before changing for the next gear get sure about the gear position as it varies upon motorcycle model.
- Hence in such way you can change you motorcycle gear and can roll on the road.
- You can twist the throttle more to gain the speed more with a specific gear.
- Generally lower gears are used to roll in low speed or for climbing. The higher gears are used for cruising or running consistent in certain speed.
Motorcycle Braking & Stopping Procedure
So you are riding your motorcycle and sometime you need to brake, slow down or need to stop. So in such case do as described bellow.
- Twist back the throttle and apply both brakes pushing the both brake levers.
- When need to stop twist back the throttle completely, pull the clutch lever and apply both brake.
- Get the gear in neutral position again.
- If necessary role again with same process mentioned earlier.
How To Ride A Motorcycle – Be Habituated with the Art
Remember riding a motorcycle is a balanced and synchronized job. It’s an art but it can be too much dangerous. But once you are synchronized and habituated with the whole process you will feel the joy and freedom of riding anywhere you can.
So before starting to ride you should read the whole process again and again. Practice the process seating on the bike but not starting the engine. It’s safer to get assistance of an experienced rider when you are trying to ride for the first time.
So readers, that’s the basic procedure of riding a motorcycle. Hope you have enjoyed our discussion on how to ride a motorcycle. Remember it’s just the basic line on how to ride a motorcycle as there are more things which are achieved and gathered through years of riding experience. So start to ride and enjoy the joyful experience. Thank you all. For further updates keep visiting our website and subscribe to our BikeBD Youtube channel, and also eye on our BikeBD Facebook Fanpage.
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Published by Ashik Mahmud