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Biker Brothers Of Cumilla Arranged Mega Campaign Event!
Last updated on 29-Dec-2024 , By Arif Raihan Opu
Biker Brothers Of Cumilla arranged a two-day mega campaign for the bikers. This was held on 24th and 25th December 2021. This event was placed at Lalmai Lakeland, Cumilla. In this two days event, there were more than 500+ bikers attended this event. Bikers from all around Bangladesh attend this mega event. Many bikers came up with cars because they have come to this event from very far places.

For the past 6 years, they arranged this event for the bikers. Bikers from all around Bangladesh attended this event every year. Every biker is waiting for this event. It's one kind of a get-together event. The main campaign event was on 25th December 2021. Before the Bikers were reached the event place on the night of 23rd December 2021.
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There is no registration or any kind of registration fee for the bikers to attend this event. Biker Brothers Of Cumilla invite them to join this mega campaign event. Every Bike enthusiast and traveler attends this event.
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In this two days event, there are so many things for bikers. In the event they arranged many things for bikers Game shows, Light shows, Bikers experience sharing, etc. visit around the place. At night there was a cam fire for bikers.
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At night Bikers have fun with their songs and many activities. Bikers join this event willingly. The place is out of the two where birds are charming and the greenery of trees feel them alive. This is a refreshment day for the bikers from the day to day life.
The event ended up on Saturday 25th December 2021. Bikers after the event they live the place and clean up the place to ensure a green environment. Everyone is happy to join this event. They hope that every year this event will arrange and they will come to this event. We also hope that this kind of event will arrange by the Biker Brothers Of Cumilla next year also. We hope next year this will be bigger than this time. Thank You.
Published by Arif Raihan Opu